Your opportunity to drive change

By empowering youth with leadership roles and skills to take action for sustainability, YOU can make change happen at schools, in homes, and throughout communities. YOU have the power to inspire a generation of active sustainability champions and in turn, make real change.

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Our Accomplishments Together

With the help of donors like you, over the past 15 years, over 4,000 school-wide projects have been delivered to change behavior, increase wellbeing and establish a sustainability culture. Communities positively impacted include:

  • 40 school districts

  • 635 schools

  • 2,500 volunteers and community partners

  • 3,200 teachers

  • more than 200,000 elementary and secondary student leaders

Our Values Together

We envision a world where individuals consider the impact of their actions on the environment and society as much as the price tag. We see a future where Canadians are world leaders in ethical and environmentally responsible and sustainable choices.

We are very grateful for your contribution to our mission and your motivation to empower youth to drive positive change for a sustainable world.

Your actions and generosity are making a true difference for our communities and our planet.

Elements Society is a registered charity of the Canadian Societies Act. Society Number S-46649. No goods or services are provided in exchange for contributions.