Zero Waste Place At Home

Zero Waste Place is an educational program which delivers workshops to students in grades 4-6 and 8-9. The program provides activities and projects to students which surround waste reduction and sustainable behaviour change.

The newly released digital version of our Zero Waste Place program is now live on Padlet! This platform allows teachers, students, and their families to engage in the topic of waste at-home while and offers explorative and place-based learning opportunities for students. 

Students learn about:

  • The problem of waste

  • Vancouver’s Zero Waste 2040 strategy

  • How to investigate waste in their household and neighbourhood

  • How to participate in projects to reduce waste

  • How to reuse items to divert them from the landfill

ZWP Padlet 1.png
ZWP Padlet 2.png

This online programming includes unique features, such as: 

  • Options for students to engage in a lesson depending on their learning style 

  • Environmental and social stewardship

  • Participation that does not require consistent computer access 

  • Activities that get students exploring and observing (place-based education) in their home environment, generating ideas and designing solutions, as well as reflecting and sharing 

  • Ways for students to engage with their community safely 

  • Engagement for students which requires minimal supervision 

The easily accessible and free activities have been designed so that kids can share and complete projects that make a difference in our communities while supporting curriculum requirements. 

“The City is very excited to see this popular program being transferred to an online platform to educate students about positive behaviour towards waste and at the same time support teachers with this easy to access resource as part of their online teaching modules during this unprecedented time.” - Patrick Chauo, City of Vancouver

Another version of this program has been happening in schools since 2018. To learn more about the classroom-based Vancouver Zero Waste Place program see “Zero Waste Place” under “Programs.”